Do the Test Smells Assertion Roulette and Eager Test Impact Students' Troubleshooting and Debugging Capabilities?


Educating students about software testing practices is integral to the curricula of many computer science-related courses and typically involves students writing unit tests. Similar to production/source code, students might inadvertently deviate from established unit testing best practices, and introduce problematic code, referred to as test smells, into their test suites. Given the extensive catalog of test smells, it becomes challenging for students to identify test smells in their code, especially for those who lack experience with testing practices. In this experience report, we aim to increase students’ awareness of bad unit testing practices, and detail the outcomes of having 184 students from three higher educational institutes utilize an IDE plugin to automatically detect test smells in their code. Our findings show that while students report on the plugin’s usefulness in learning about and detecting test smells, they also identify specific test smells that they consider harmless. We anticipate that our findings will support academia in refining course curricula on unit testing and enabling educators to support students with code review strategies of test code.

The Proceedings of the 2024 on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education V. 1
Anthony S. Peruma
Anthony S. Peruma
Assistant Professor

My research interests include program comprehension and software refactoring.